We envision a healthy planet, on which:
- We treasure our water resources and don’t pollute them
- We invest in healthy soil ecosystems as the foundation for healthy food production and nature.
- We enhance the planet’s biodiversity in ways that enable species to survive and flourish.
- Air pollution is considered something of the past and everyone can rely on breathing clean air.
- Our economies thrive on renewable energy and reusable products.

“In nature nothing exists alone” - Rachel Carson

Being a biologist by training, Lida Schelwald has worked for over 30 years as an environmental consultant and board member in the international soil & water sector for both public and private companies. Already at a young age, Lida became fascinated by the power of nature, and it still provides a source of inspiration for her work. Economic growth is fine, but it should be sustainable and respecting the limits of the ecological boundaries.
Lida has a profound passion for a healthy environment and for people’s health*, which are inextricably linked. Human well-being is fully connected to the food we consume, the water we drink, the air we breathe, and nature around us. Caring for our planet and its natural capital is caring for our own survival and the well-being of our children. A vital living environment is key in this respect!
To this end Envision-S gladly assists companies and organizations with sustainable strategies to make our planet a better and happier place to live!
Drs. Lida Schelwald-van der Kley, Managing Director Envision-S
For more information on our human health activities, see also www.DIAITA.nl
“We won’t have a society if we destroy the environment” - Margaret Mead
We offer a range of services to our clients, varying from communication and training to strategic technical advice in various areas of interest.
A healthy soil

“How could we have ever believed that it was a good idea to grow our food with poisons?” – Jane Goodall
Healthy soils form the foundation for sustainable food production, healthy living, and for economic enterprise. A healthy soil is a living ecosystem. Next to water, soil is one of the most reused resources on earth. Soil & groundwater contamination poses a threat to its value. On the positive side, Land stewardship helps unlocking the natural, social, and economic capital that land possesses or may possess, for the benefit of future generations.
Envision-S supports companies to manage their soil & groundwater resources in a sustainable way and unlock their full potential.
Clean Water

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs but not any man’s greed” – Mahatma Ghandi
Water is our first and foremost resource. Every organism on this planet needs it for its survival. As humans we rely on it as irrigation water for food production, and use it for energy production, transport mechanism, recreation and so forth. Worldwide, water quality is at stake. Since the onset of industrialization, mankind has introduced too many man-made, often toxic substances into our rivers, oceans, lakes and groundwater, therewith stretching the natural ‘self-purifying’ capacity of our waters. We are still paying an enormous price for this long-lasting legacy.
Envision-S supports water authorities and companies with strategic advice on good water governance and water quality improvement.
Climate action

“ We are the first generation to feel the effect of climate change and the last generation who can do something about it.” – Barack Obama, former US President.
It’s important to tackle the underlying causes of climate change such as biodiversity loss, especially the destruction of forests, pollution of pristine soils and water bodies, and the use of fossil fuels as our main energy source. It requires a combined effort to do so.
Envision-S helps organizations to define and realize their climate ambitions. Envision-S also works together with young water professionals to make a true impact in climate adaptation.

“ The delicate balance of nature, essential for our survival, can only be saved through a global effort, involving all of us” – John McConnell
The 17 Sustainable Development goals, adopted by the UN Member states in 2015, are an urgent call for concerted action by all countries. The SDGs recognize that ending poverty and scarcity must go together with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and foster sustainable economic growth, while tackling climate change and taking action to preserve our oceans, inland waters, soils, and forests.
Envision-S supports companies to rethink their sustainability & CSR strategies in a way that fits their company’s DNA.
Drs. A.J.M. Schelwald-van der Kley
Zwanenwater 2, Lelystad